Wednesday, 29 October 2008

I Propose Lowell George for Beatification

If this was MySpace it would be a cute piccy of an album sleeve and blah blah.

But that'll 'ave to do

I bin listening  to shit loads of Little Feat
and my mood is fine and funky.

But I'm back to ripping vinyl and HP Lovecraft's next.
That mood might change.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

A1 Holiday Planner Tool is launched!

Ladies and Germs

I give you 

or even by public or private links.

Not sure what the diff is until I post 'em here.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Taking a Leek?

Deffo camper for life, the MB is nice but there's no fridge.

Two nights in Leek at the top of the Potteries/ bottom of the Peak.
Miles of tramping 'round wet cow ridden fields - good laugh really
but I'm tried of climbing stiles hour upon hour.

Farmland - bah!

Round there they have the cheek to call everything moor this moor that.

Proper Moorland doesn't have fencesgatesstilesfootbridgeslanesfarmyardsdogsgeesecows.
The cows in the region are particularly barmy.
Run at you from 1/2 mile away - I bricked it.
Then stop 5m away and ply coy.
Idiot beasts.
One gang wanted to come home with us - I promise.

My god I was happy when we chanced upon some sheep.

you can follow us if you've got
Goggle Earth
(if you ain't got it - why not?)
Saturday Walk
Sunday Walk

Disgusted of
This nice place

(Very cool lakeside residences - heaps o' cash)

Thursday, 2 October 2008

I Give In!

Brmm Brmm

It's a 1991 420SE - that says it all!

(to a well know cowboy tune)
Give me a car
with a 3 pointed star

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

We Asked - It Happened

Dr Thrasher with KM's Arse

The identities have been obscured to protect all of us.