Sunday, 26 September 2010

The Grinderman

Rock City Nottingham.
People in photo
A pack of twats.
Just the audience that is.
The band were great.


Thursday, 23 September 2010

First reflectiive journal

Who am I
I'm a local government officer who produces learning opportunities for social care workers within Sheffield.
Where do I work
I work within a specialist training unit in Sheffield City Council
What roles and responsibilities do you have(L01) related to induction

Here's L01 (they haven't put it up in the VLE yet!)
Explore own role and responsibilities in relation to teaching.

Evaluate assess boundaries
Would do I do
Key legislative issues
Social care issues - CIS, sector skills councils.

Review other ways signposting learners
How was I inducted
How do I induct
Max 300 words
What other factors need accommodate

Also to pdr tutor

Learning about learning

A new day at school.
I'm subjecting myself to education.
You'd think I'd have learned by now.
So this blog will get peppered with reflections on
and education

Here's an observation to kick things off
There's nowhere to study before 08:45
Official spaces that is
Wonder what time the buildings open?

Friday, 17 September 2010

A Grand Weekend Out - Woodhall Spa

Why not load up the Camper and head out into Lincolnshire?

Saturday, 11 September 2010

A Grand Day Out - Whitby

Why not cruise across Yorkshire and have a day at the seaside?