Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Dick Lit And the Shopping Match

No CDs acquired yesterday.

but Murder One in Charing Cross did yield 

I’ve read so many good reviews of JLB's latest I thought I’ll give him a go. 

Read the first 40 pages - dead good.  

Today’s plan is shopping, so far we’ve half done Covent Garden and its environs and the score is...

  • Geoff      a bag and a pastie
  • Sandra    a frock, 2 shirts and a hair grip.

Will post updates on the action as the match proceeds.

The CD hunting stems from the vinyl to mp3 saga.
I'd decided I’d do everything without assessment a la production line.    About 10 discs in however I came across an Eddy Grant album that neither of us remembers buying and after two tracks it's obvious that it must be turned it an ashtray. So now some assessment is being applied.

The first James Marshall Hendrix album is unplayable and must be replaced.  While I’m there why have I never owned 'Are You Experienced?'

So they're my target for the day but Fopp Records is no more, where to shop for music now? 
I forgot you all live in towns and won't necessarily experienced the joy of Fopp.  All dad rock cd's ever made less than a fiver. 

Top quality.

Dammit now I’m stuck with HMV and Virgin, which strangely is now called Zavvi???????

Match Report

GJP comes from nowhere to pull one back with a hooded top from Muji. But what's this, Sandra Dawn disappears into the fitting room with trousers and a jacket.  The lad's gutted!

Capewell shoots at an open goal, skys it into the crowd and only comes away with a jacket. Power quickly counter-attacks and brings off an audacious £1.95 sunglasses case.  He's on a roll, 50% off everything in Criminal was what he was waiting for - tee shirt - get in!

The pace settles down, toing and froing but no results from either side.  No wait, Capewell's back in the fitting room with 2 dresses - she must score!

Latest Score

  • Geoff      a bag, a pastie, hoodie, t-shirt and sunnies case
  • Sandra    a frock, 2 shirts ,a hair grip and jacket

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