Sunday, 10 February 2008

Tales From The Chalkface

Today is the premiere of my latest creation and I find out if I’ve made a monster.  It’s a facilitated e-learning session.  Some fool bought this not very good learning package and I’ve wrapped Moodle around it to try and make it e-learning.  Some of my customers, god bless 'em, need time and space away from their workplace to get on with it.  Today they get that space-time.

If the business of training has elements of performance and it does, then sometimes I’m a performer.  Now though I feel like a playwright - first night nerves, what will they think, how much rewriting will I have to do for the next show? 

20 mins to curtain up and only one in the audience - we’ve only sold 3 tickets, there's no walk up and usually some no shows.  Could be more on stage than in the seats.

On with the motley, break a leg etc.

Well it went fine, the half hour instruction bit got extended into 45 minutes by my co-presenter wanted to discuss with trainees but without that it would have fitted the plan.  The clients thought the training package was great - it isn't but if that’s what they think - hey.

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