Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Pictures? - We Have Pictures

I'm presuming you're demanding pictures of the camper.  Here's a suitable before one.  Looking at it , it's rubbish and you may well be thinking why all this effort to drop it fractionally.

Yeah like you really were thinking that - weren't you?

Campers get made out of all sorts of vehicle, the only campers that were made by VW as campers are the Westfalia ones.

Ours was originally a minibus, I think they were 9 seaters so with just us 2 it's well under payload limits.   Even when we go away for a 2 week camp with everything it doesn't really settle down on the springs much.
So now I'll tell you what it looked like 'coz I don't think a photo will do it.  or maybe...

That's what it took - interestingly not a picture of a camper at all.  This is how I saw it before.  A scared kitten standing up on it's toes.

This picture formatting is rubbish but I will not be drawn to sort it out. That's it and that's how it's staying.  But I'm offended by it.

  • More pictures of after the drop as soon as I can get it to somewhere level and remember a camera.  ie bleeding months from now.  Currently it's on an up slope and the camber of the road is effecting the suspension a suprising amount,  see "Camper Creep" below.  
  • The NS was easy to get apart but lots of effort to put back together because springs and bushes needed forcing in.  
  • The OS  pushed itself together.
So you'll have to wait months the see another picture which also won't convey what I see. Have a quick look in my head and this is what you see

That's enough looking in there - stop it now!

Oh dear too long.

Nurse - the restraints please.
Largacti1...five milligrammes.Valium...ten milligrammes.Haloperidol...five milligrammes.Pheno Barbit...

I'm losing control of all formatting here.  I think it's a function of how many pics and how much you try to control the text flow/placement etc.
I'll risk one more picture
I'm thinking of buying one of these...

Obviously I'd like a black one and I'd need 5 doors for transporting the oldsters around.  Bleeding purple text now! I give in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has the camper fallen on you and crushed both your arms? What is the progress dear heart?