Tuesday, 6 January 2009


I was, as per usual, attempting to keep this up to date and tell all my lovely pals what I was getting up to.
Too busy doing it.
Brief update (to be expanded when I'm back in sunny Sheff.)

After New Year in Nelson we piled us (4 adults 2 kids), several tents, food, beer, etc. into 2 autos and set off for the Pacific Coast.
Kiakoura - sunny hot cramped campsite
Gore Bay - swam in Pacific

now in Jackson's - via Arthurs Pass
Arthur's Pass Beaten
Campsite internet is dial up connection (almost nostalgic - almost but still shite)
Can't get pictures to you from on the road - yet

Watch this space.
Time ticking away on connection kiosk


Thrasher said...

Dial up? Tents? Good grief what next? Snakes on everything? Do they got snakes there? All questions, no answers - sorry.

Anonymous said...

Here's answers.
No Snakes!
St Patrick visited in the the big God Chariot in 535AD and dismissed them all.
At least thats what this man in a bar told me.
But I'm taking no chances - trousers in socks at all times even when swimming.