Friday, 6 November 2009

Testify Your Mental Capacity

This was the venue for my Mental Capacity Act roadshow. There is some significant irony in this. I get to lecture people about having capacity to make decisions when I can't decide what to have for lunch.
And they let me do it in a church!
Sometimes life gets well weird.


Thrasher said...


The GrandWazoo said...

WTF? or WTF!

It's my Mental Capacity Act presentation opening slide - very chichi it is too, all rolling logos of stakeholder organisations, pictures of people and symbols of freedom and human rights. Behind is the brand new stained glass in the nave of St Marys in the south of Sheffield. It's a community centre, church, conference centre etc etc. Performing there is like upstaging god. I get to put my symbols in front of his/her's and do my magic.
HA HA 1-0 to rationalism.

I agree WTF!
How did I end up here?