Sunday, 30 May 2010


We went on a walk

Rough Rock

We went for a walk

Saturday, 29 May 2010

A Poet A True Star

Saturday Night Out!

We went to see John Cooper Clarke.

What do you want?
A review?

Frank Sidebottom supported.
Never seen him before live.
Not impressed.

JCC - Genius
I think I can hear poetry, as in it's different to clever lyrics.
Bloody difficult stuff to read though.
So if I need the poet to perform I guess all dead poets are pointless.

Unless of course if they have been recorded.

He did 'Beasley Street' followed by an updated version.
'Beasley Boulevard'.
So I was well happy.
We demanded
He supplied
'Evidently Chickentown'
So S was thrilled to bits.
Swearing is one of her favourite pastimes.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Rocks A Mondo

Look how elegantly this idiot breaks the Internet!
The image above is a link to where?

It's meant to be Wikipedia on reefs knolls

Today we went to see a limestone reef knoll.

On a walk

If you use the kmz file in the walk link in
Google Earth
turn on
  • Terrain and
  • Panoramio Photos
Chrome Hill was listed as "exciting" in the Fred Book on rocks.
We climbed up Southern end.
I wasn't really scared.
But I am a woose for heights.
Then we descended off the North end.
I bricked it seriously twice.
Don't look at the DROP.
Look only at the path.
Fear is the wibble wobble
wibble wobble
Don't look at the DROP.

S disappeared into the distance like a Thompson's Gazelle
I was alone.

Good fun all round.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

More Rocks

We went for a walk.

It involved fossils.
(not just us)

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Welding and Walking

Another ordinary weekend.
Well it was for us.

Saturday attacked rusty section of camper's wheel arch.
I've decided not to fuck about.
If it's rusty it's coming out.
I don't weld too well but the repairs must be better than rust.
(Delicious is a new playground so get this.)
I've also decided that if I need practice, doing it is the ticket.

We went for a walk.
Having strolled around the Peak for about 30 years it gets a bit familiar.
So I tend to work in themes rather than just wander looking at the sights.
So we've had stints of
  • finding Roman sights,
  • certain plants and animals,
  • famous people's graves etc.
The current fad is geology and this weekend we identified different sorts of limestone.
I've always wondered why Harborough Rocks were pinky-orange and kind of funny looking.
Now I know.
It's Dolomite.

Some credit due to local geologist Fred Somebody and his book.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

The Nation Decides And I'm In Charge

It's election day and yet again I'm working as a poll clerk
04/06/2009 for last years efforts.
Having read that post and it's comments I've nothing much to add.
This time it's 2 elections at once.
Which means more fun.
We have to ask "are you voting in both elections today"
Most of the plebs don't know that there is a City Council election.
This is a rare occassion when I can use pleb and it's not an insult.
(Another great reason for taking part in democracy)
If lots didn't know about local government some were surprised that they couldn't vote for the people they saw on television.

Bleedin Hell
the television inspired cult of personality has stuffed the vote.
This plebiscite is popular and all the

  • blogging
  • correspondence
  • video gaming
  • reading
  • eating
  • pissing
  • shitting
  • drinking

I had planned never happened

The un-expected is always very welcome
And then the expected happened.
A government wasn't elected.
Maybe I'll get to do this all over again soon

Sent from my iNterrossiter

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Luds Church

We went for a walk