Friday, 20 August 2010

Name That Thane

I can only name one.
This is where he/she lives.
Apparently there a 2 existent thanes.
200 bonus points for naming both.


Thrasher said...

I'll go for Cawdor and Fife. - Guess you are in bonny Scotland then?

The GrandWazoo said...

Och aye the noo.
The nicky nocky noo in fact.
Alba it is and very nice too.
Apart from the rain, midges and cold.
We are now runnng out off Scotland so it's nearly time to head south.
B-in-F on the way back down.
Shall I pass on your regards?

McThrasher The Dandy said...

Indeed - but to who?
Anyone I guess.
Be nice to know if Mr. White is OK.
Is Mr. Williamson still with us i wonder.
Or do I? Not really - it's all a million years and many planets ago.
Our luttuce are good this year mind.