Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Useless Arse Gits

I'm off to london soon and was considering Wren's Churches


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Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Silly Bass Bin Stuff

Guess what?

I've found this Celestion S8 sub-woofer (SW).
I listen to a lot a music, LOUD.

I have some Beovox cx50 speakers by Bang&Olufsen.
They make a fine noise but loud they don't really cut it at the bottom end.

Anyhow I saw this strange box with lots of sockets knobs and stuff.
Turns out it was the aforementioned SW.

It didn't work but a bit of fixing up and I now have something to shake buildings with.
In such a small room its probably a health risk but ...

Jack Cassidy must be next.

The Ballad of You & Me & Pooneil

(from their Woodstock set)

The amplifier seems a bit noisy so maybe more work required, but it's definitely filled the bottom end gap.

He He.

(I'm grinning and old JC hasn't started)

Here we go !


Here's the Bassoon playlist so far.

Brainstorm - Hawkwind

This beat is... Technotronic

Stir it up - The Wailers

House at Pooniel Corners - jefferson Airplane

Can u dig it - PWEI

Supernaut - Black Sabbath.

3rd - Beethoven

Sunday, 5 December 2010


We went on a walk

Sunday, 28 November 2010


We went on a walk

Monday, 22 November 2010


We went on a walk

Sunday, 7 November 2010


We went on a walk

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Hello Playmates

Rant Rant

This IT stuff really is shit.
I've just struggled for at least 2 minutes through an overly logical verification system.
All I did was forget my password and it insisted on asking me extra questions.
As these were pre-determined by me - I knew the answers.
I now have a brand new super dooper password.
And access to the blogosphere agin.
Rubbish computers.

Mostly I've been doing the teaching thing and working hard I might say too.
In between times I've been ripping vinyl again.
I know.
BAd HAbit.
Latest is Joy Division 12in singles.

I don't actually care if we do already have this.
I'm ripping it anyway.
Joy Indeed.
See what my mates at Music Brains think.
What we're looking at is near mint FAC 23
The Discogs gang have 43 different releases.
I just rip it and keep it,
I do like the fast version of LWTUA on the b-side.
Bloody Hell it's worth less than a tenner.
Tag it and move on.

Sunday, 31 October 2010

We went on a walk.

In Sheffield.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010


I have no glasses
It>s like touch typyping lessons
Mark Watson war gre4at.
Gentle human humour with some strange angles.
Difficult to say what strange is.
When you look at it , it vanishes

Spellcheck helps

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Sunday Night At The City Hall

I thought he was crap and drunk maybe.
His support was the guy who plays his flatmate on that Ask Rhod Glibert.
Well; I thought he was playing, turns out it's true.
He is RG's flatmate and he's a crap comic too.
I thought he was meant to be a joke.
Perhaps it is but I didn't get it.
Nodded out in RG's set.

(thats welsh for Yawn you know)

Fountains Of Fun

We went on a walk.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

A Night On The Town

Live from Sheffield
From the comedy festival
Stewart Lee !
(& Simon Munnery ? Ithink I know who he is)
Reviews to follow at half time.
Wonderful thing is free Council WiFi
How marvellous
If I'd known I'd have done some course work

Simon Munnery = Alan Parker Urban Warrior
Remember him ?
He was a bit funny

Stewart Lee was brilliant.
Very sophisticated comedy expertly delivered.
I was crying at one point over a list of crisp flavours.
Pure timing.

Comedy Genuis

Sunday, 26 September 2010

The Grinderman

Rock City Nottingham.
People in photo
A pack of twats.
Just the audience that is.
The band were great.


Thursday, 23 September 2010

First reflectiive journal

Who am I
I'm a local government officer who produces learning opportunities for social care workers within Sheffield.
Where do I work
I work within a specialist training unit in Sheffield City Council
What roles and responsibilities do you have(L01) related to induction

Here's L01 (they haven't put it up in the VLE yet!)
Explore own role and responsibilities in relation to teaching.

Evaluate assess boundaries
Would do I do
Key legislative issues
Social care issues - CIS, sector skills councils.

Review other ways signposting learners
How was I inducted
How do I induct
Max 300 words
What other factors need accommodate

Also to pdr tutor

Learning about learning

A new day at school.
I'm subjecting myself to education.
You'd think I'd have learned by now.
So this blog will get peppered with reflections on
and education

Here's an observation to kick things off
There's nowhere to study before 08:45
Official spaces that is
Wonder what time the buildings open?

Friday, 17 September 2010

A Grand Weekend Out - Woodhall Spa

Why not load up the Camper and head out into Lincolnshire?

Saturday, 11 September 2010

A Grand Day Out - Whitby

Why not cruise across Yorkshire and have a day at the seaside?

Thursday, 26 August 2010

The Albanian Jolly

Well they insist on calling it Alba!

It ain't me!

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Top Of The World, Ma

Well, currently the top of my limited world.
This really is the view from the camper. Directly north from here is the North Pole - nothing else. Directly west is Canada, atleast that's what the guide said.
We're in Durness which just to the east of Cape Wrath and having a lovely time.
Weather is Scottish
(4 seasons every hour)
Food is great
(we cook it)
The company excellent
(except for all the other tourists)

Sent from my iNterrossiter

Tuesday, 24 August 2010


We went on a walk

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Birth Of A Nation

No not a cinematic milestone intrinsically flawed by racism.
But where the ground we walk on comes from.
Regular readers will understand that my head is full of rocks.
Where better to holiday than where the oldest rocks in UK (maybe
Europe?) are to be found.
The one on the right is the oldest, Lewsian Gnesis.
On the left we have Torridan Sandstone.
Together, a geological sequence from nearly 3 billion years ago and
representing about 16/18ths of the planet's existence.
That's a big WOW from me.


We went on a walk

Saturday, 21 August 2010

OMG It's Captain Sensible!

I thought it was just some everyday peacock but Mrs Wazoo was
convinced it was the Captain. So we had to stalk him, taking
surreptitious photos and debating his identity.
S says it wasn't him and I'm confusing the person with his act.
I'm not so sure

Friday, 20 August 2010

Name That Thane

I can only name one.
This is where he/she lives.
Apparently there a 2 existent thanes.
200 bonus points for naming both.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

The Langford Twins Meet The One-eyed Stopper

S says (that's me) The new bespoke furniture in the van is marvellous (i made a new cooker house).  I'm thinking of applying for a position with either Mr Devon or Mr Westfalia.   A bit of new blood in these organisations may be all that's required to move them into the 21st century.  I didn't get where I am today... Bring me Hennimore!  Don't think I'm allowed to say where we are yet - think someone's got to guess Mr Bobblebonbon's cryptic clue first.  Is this the sort of stream of (un)consciousness one is expected to blurt out in a blog?  I might start my own!  Perhaps not - at least Mr B's got 2 mates - I ain't got none.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Weekend Welder

I've bought a new welder.
My original one was a gift, I asked advice about what sort of welder to buy.
My advisor upped an gave me a MIG welder.
I was very grateful.
Trouble is I now know that for my application it's NBG.
Too strong for vehicle body work.
And rubbish - according to the welding hacks at MIG Welding - the DIY Guide
Which could explain why I was finding welding difficult.
I didn't expect to produce beautiful welds at a first go.
But I did expect to improve.
And I didn't.

  • A bad workman can blame bad tools.
Seeing as I'd budgeted for a welder; nothing really lost in buying another one.
(Freaked Out Economics)

I am now improving with every attempt.
Welds are not beautiful but serviceable and consistent.
Beauty I can live with out - for now.

The new blue baby welder is gasless which is meant to make welding outdoors easier.
But I'm no longer convinced about this.
The fluxed wire seems very messy and makes keeping a regular arc hard work.
The slag contaminates the weld and the wire.
Today I'm going to fit the gas option and see if I like it better.

As for outdoors I came across an elegant design for a wind shield for welding.
Cardboard box and masking tape.
(I can never see simple solutions!)
If it catches fire, tear it off and stamp on it.
Oh and turning the gas up helps.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Mysterious Kung Fu Monk Noodles

Or yet more noodle reviews.
All my hard work deciding which noodles to buy from my local Thai grocery seems wasted.
I'd just discovered the very lovely Mama flat rice beauties.
Don't have them anymore!
Instant Rice Porridge.
Gone (always seem to be waiting for a delivery - bah!)

Word Of Warning

  • If your grocer says Product B is just like Product A.
  • They are LYING.
  • Mama Rice Soup is nice but it is not Instant Rice Porridge

So now I've started reviewing the noodles in the Chinese grocers in town.

Number 1 -

Great Packet (the mysterious monk is on the front surrounded by clouds/steam) - plus 5.
Aargh - vermicelli - I'm not a fan - minus 10.
They were Sweet Potato noodles - plus 5 for novelty.
But they weren't special - no points
As they were from Sichuan I expected "Hot and Spicy" to be thermonuclear, it wasn't - no points

Grand total - no points
Not buying them again

Sunday, 1 August 2010


We went on a walk

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Lone Wolves - No Club

(image pinched from Drexel Antiques)

The countryside is full of people in clubs,  rambling and talking to loud.
Shut up.
We are not your friends.
Being in the same place does not constitute any sort of membership.
We went for a walk

I had a nice day despite my grumpiness.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

I'm Scared

I've lost it - or I think I have with this blog.
I've set the default colours backn in the template editor.
I'm hoping that it turns out in ...
Big -ish
White on black ground
Normal service again

Sunday, 11 July 2010


We went on a walk

hjello world

ifI type in red we can all read this.
I've lost control here - bastards.
This combination of editor, desktop, browser, blah de blah de blah
has snafu'd my efforts.
The iMac deals with white text from the blog.
What happens if I cahnge the design level settings for fonts n shit?
I Can now type in a reasonable editor.
Seems dumb to me that it can't handle white text on black ground.
Dumb and dumberest,
It does it into another font but can't deal with goths at the control.
I'm going for purple nail varnish next.
Thath will teach all you twats ouit there.
Laughing at my hair
I know you are

That doesnt work either - rats!
I'm bored.
Back to the van
I#ve mixed some paint
the light ivory 97.5%
yellow 2.5%
(RAL codes to follow)
(+50% white spirit )
I mixed 10g of paint and added 5 g of ws.
So its not 50% but you get it.
still a bit yellow 
but damn near.

I think I sussed 
Bastards this formatting was lurking!
I Give in
This was meant to be green on red
Somewhere maybe it is
Publish and be damned 

"He's Listing Again!"

"HeTod o list

Fix the van floor.

all the furniture and the fkloor is out of the van.

|I can finally see the rot under the floor panel.

The good news is

its a lot less than it could have been.

I we as going to say it was not as bad as i thought but i really had nothing to think at.

no data

Which is more than i can say about this editor!

I'm typing white text on a white ground here

I'm surprised how beautifully crafted it looks.

more later,.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

A Liitle Box Of Tricks

I've bought myself a new toy.
ASUS eeeeeeePC thingy bob.
10 inch display
and stuff.
I'm running Linux on it and all of a sudden it feels comfortable.
I;ve got this command line which I can pretend I;m back in UNIX land.
I've got nearly a proper keyboard that I can nearly type with.
But my browser doesn't spell check - you might have noticed.
Some things aren't sussed yet which is why you have my application for a CertEd course.
I needed to think and I can't do it w/out a wordprocessor.
Seems wrong but I bet lots of peeps struggle to think w/out arrange words in order.
You;ll get more so get used to it.
Seems like you can't learn w/out a reflective journal these days.
So this blog is going to be my mirror.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Faults And Folds

Today we went on a walk.
We're continuing with the self improvement kick.
Working through our ologies.
For Pussies
There's a manly pursuit.
There's big flat slabs of rock lying on top of each other.
If I could be bothered I'd do a picture.
Here we go.

As the sandstones are tilted up they break ('coz the bits underneath are soft?)
Also when tipped up bits of them slip back down the hill.
(same reason)
Lovely landslip today Combes Rocks.

An enormous hole in the ground from succession of land slips

Dip slopes in 'wrong' directions -> faults

Talking about ologies.
I should be thinking about pedagogy.
Oh? it's not an ologloieesee,
Why do I want a place on your CertEd course?
Coz I have to.
The government says if you want to work in education .
of any sort.
Like I do.
You have to have some sort of acreditation.
Bloody Good Idea (BGI)
I think that lots of education is badly delivered.
As a recipient.
As a deliverer.
This is a waste of resources.
We can provide better services with better educated people,
The other resource which is generally wasted in society are peoples
on of these resources is always people.
If education is the release of human potential
and we need that potential to work harder and harder.
education needas to deliver more and more.

I want bto realise my potential
I provided vocational training in a variety of forms and disciplines for about 20 years.
Firstly at chesterfield Itec in a youth training/aprentice setting.
After bthat the training was a minor but a key component in my role in establishing Management iNFORMATION sYstems at chesterfield college.
For Sheffield City Co0uncil I have had a formal trainer/consultant/analyst role.
I currently provide this in a year

If it wasn't for my own curiostity and self didactic zeal, the excellent enviroment of peer support and supervision in tyhe unit I work I would havent had any real evidence based direction to my craft and practise.
I completed an on-line course recenctly which although was bisaed towards teachers moving online ( i'm an on-line moved to taeching and feelling in the need for some academic grounding.
The practice of teaching I also have to improve through emiricism and reflection and i would appreciate the external review this course will bring.

I would like to develop a corporate induction course to be deklivered as a blended learning progrqamme. This course would give me an ideal oppurtunity to appply the rigour of a formal course, the CertED, to that development.

Sunday, 30 May 2010


We went on a walk

Rough Rock

We went for a walk

Saturday, 29 May 2010

A Poet A True Star

Saturday Night Out!

We went to see John Cooper Clarke.

What do you want?
A review?

Frank Sidebottom supported.
Never seen him before live.
Not impressed.

JCC - Genius
I think I can hear poetry, as in it's different to clever lyrics.
Bloody difficult stuff to read though.
So if I need the poet to perform I guess all dead poets are pointless.

Unless of course if they have been recorded.

He did 'Beasley Street' followed by an updated version.
'Beasley Boulevard'.
So I was well happy.
We demanded
He supplied
'Evidently Chickentown'
So S was thrilled to bits.
Swearing is one of her favourite pastimes.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Rocks A Mondo

Look how elegantly this idiot breaks the Internet!
The image above is a link to where?

It's meant to be Wikipedia on reefs knolls

Today we went to see a limestone reef knoll.

On a walk

If you use the kmz file in the walk link in
Google Earth
turn on
  • Terrain and
  • Panoramio Photos
Chrome Hill was listed as "exciting" in the Fred Book on rocks.
We climbed up Southern end.
I wasn't really scared.
But I am a woose for heights.
Then we descended off the North end.
I bricked it seriously twice.
Don't look at the DROP.
Look only at the path.
Fear is the wibble wobble
wibble wobble
Don't look at the DROP.

S disappeared into the distance like a Thompson's Gazelle
I was alone.

Good fun all round.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

More Rocks

We went for a walk.

It involved fossils.
(not just us)

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Welding and Walking

Another ordinary weekend.
Well it was for us.

Saturday attacked rusty section of camper's wheel arch.
I've decided not to fuck about.
If it's rusty it's coming out.
I don't weld too well but the repairs must be better than rust.
(Delicious is a new playground so get this.)
I've also decided that if I need practice, doing it is the ticket.

We went for a walk.
Having strolled around the Peak for about 30 years it gets a bit familiar.
So I tend to work in themes rather than just wander looking at the sights.
So we've had stints of
  • finding Roman sights,
  • certain plants and animals,
  • famous people's graves etc.
The current fad is geology and this weekend we identified different sorts of limestone.
I've always wondered why Harborough Rocks were pinky-orange and kind of funny looking.
Now I know.
It's Dolomite.

Some credit due to local geologist Fred Somebody and his book.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

The Nation Decides And I'm In Charge

It's election day and yet again I'm working as a poll clerk
04/06/2009 for last years efforts.
Having read that post and it's comments I've nothing much to add.
This time it's 2 elections at once.
Which means more fun.
We have to ask "are you voting in both elections today"
Most of the plebs don't know that there is a City Council election.
This is a rare occassion when I can use pleb and it's not an insult.
(Another great reason for taking part in democracy)
If lots didn't know about local government some were surprised that they couldn't vote for the people they saw on television.

Bleedin Hell
the television inspired cult of personality has stuffed the vote.
This plebiscite is popular and all the

  • blogging
  • correspondence
  • video gaming
  • reading
  • eating
  • pissing
  • shitting
  • drinking

I had planned never happened

The un-expected is always very welcome
And then the expected happened.
A government wasn't elected.
Maybe I'll get to do this all over again soon

Sent from my iNterrossiter

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Luds Church

We went for a walk

Sunday, 25 April 2010


We went on a walk

Saturday, 10 April 2010

My Spirits Rise

My spirit has been lifted by

  • The weather
  • Success with paint
  • The survival of the Mercedes
  • The Velvet Underground

Finally it feels like we have left winter behind. The dry weather and longer days are just what my psyche needed.

I've been getting very frustrated and that's always a danger of that turning into anger and depression. Faithful readers will know that lots of stuff that I either need or want to do happen outdoors.

So what did I do outdoors this weekend?


Firstly I got 3 coats of paint on the rear quarters of the camper and it's looking neato.
The recipe has had a slight tweek

ProportionColour Ref.Colour Name
75White Spirit

The last entry about paint was obviously written the evening of the painting. The next day the last side to be painted was covered in tiny craters. I'm guessing that these were popped bubbles that then didn't flow flat.

Found some reference stuff that says 'paint too thick'.

So when I started the paint it was just thin enough.
Then it had thickened in the tray and on the roller by the time I'd got to the other side.

Or the paint had cooled after being inside.
So more White Spirit.
It works.
Just by chance Casper the junior ghost from over the road has sprayed his camper. For some reason his father Mister Ghost wanted to show me the results.
I had to be diplomatic.
My finish is better.
But I've taken a long while to get it, he painted the whole van in a
week. I think that considered he's done a good job.

Which is the point

  • I'm expending time and labour.
  • He's spending money.

On to the Merc.
Finally my insurers, who we shall call Equity Red Shite (ERS), have decided it's worth fixing after months of plain ineptitude. The details are far to boring to detail so here's the headlines.
Dec 17

  • Snow and ice make side street undriveable
  • We park to consider abandoning MB
  • Fool in some Pugeot childs car slides into MB front end.
Dec 22
  • Estimate of repairs from Charlotte Motors (£1K) emailed to ERS.
Dec 22 to now
  • An inabilty to hold on to documents,
  • understand common courtesy
  • and operate simple clerical process from ERS.

But at last they approve repairs, I think.
As they can't seem to answer correspondence I have to rely on an anonymous text from their engineers and an assurance from Charlotte Motors that they will invoice ERS.

Finally the Velvet Underground.
Sister Ray as loud as possible, on repeat.
I haven't listened to them recently but Radcliffe and Maconie have
The Chain which produced 'Pale Blue Eyes' and that is a thing of such beauty I had to listen to the third album.

Then the rest of them.

Loaded is playing at the moment

Sent from my iNterrossiter

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Mickey Jones RIP

Just found out.
Nuff Said